Privacy Policy

Here at viiota, we want you to know that we respect your privacy. This Privacy Policy is here to explain how we handle your personal data. By using our Services, you're agreeing to the practices and policies we've laid out here, and you're giving us permission to collect, use, and share your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

It's important to note that whenever you use viiota's Services, you're also bound by our Terms of Use, which includes this Privacy Policy. If there's any term we mention here that you're unsure about, you can find its definition in our Terms of Use.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Lowdown: What this Privacy Policy Covers
  2. Personal Data: Your Digital Identity
  3. Sharing is Caring: How We Share Your Personal Data
  4. Tracking the Trail: Tools, Ads, and Opt-Out Options
  5. Fort Knox: Data Security and Keeping it Fresh
  6. Kiddo's Corner: Personal Data of Children
  7. California Dreamin': Rights for Cali Residents
  8. State of Mind: Privacy Rights Beyond California
  9. Shapeshifters: Changes to this Privacy Policy
  10. Keep in Touch: Contact Information

This Privacy Policy doesn't cover the actions of third parties or companies that viiota doesn’t own or control, or individuals we don’t manage. It also doesn't include Protected Health Information collected by medical providers who use viiota's platform to facilitate visits. Viiota currently partners with certain medical groups (referred to as the "Practice"), but these partnerships may change over time. The viiota Notice of Privacy Practices outlines how we and the Practice handle your Protected Health Information. If you disagree with those terms, which you can find here, please refrain from using viiota services.

Personal Data

Categories of Personal Data We Collect

Below is a breakdown of the types of Personal Data we collect and have collected in the past 12 months:

Categories of Personal Data We Collect

Categories of Sources of Personal Data

We may collect Personal Data about you from the following categories of sources:

1. You

When you interact with us directly by:

When you use the Services and information is automatically collected:

2. Third Parties




Advertising Partners

Social Networks

Our Commercial or Business Purposes for Collecting Personal Data

Our Business Goals for Collecting Personal Data

Spreading the Word

Keeping in Touch

Staying on the Right Side of the Law

We won't collect additional types of Personal Data or use the information we've gathered for substantially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without updating this policy.

Sharing Your Personal Data

We may dish out your Personal Data to the squads listed in this section. Heads up though, depending on where you are, some of these handovers might be considered a "sale" of your Personal Data. We'll dive deeper into this in the state-specific sections below.

Service Providers: These are the troops who help us keep the gears turning and the lights on. Think:

Advertising Partners: These are the allies who help us spread the word and hook you up with sweet deals. They include:

Analytics Partners: These are the whizzes who help us understand how folks are using the Services. Think:

Cool Ways We Share Your Info

BFFs in Business: These are the partners we team up with to bring you awesome stuff. They include:

Your Crew and Connections: These are the folks you give the nod to access your info. Think:

Legal Stuff

Sometimes we gotta play by the rules, so we might share your info to meet legal obligations. We're talking about:

Passing the Torch

If we ever change hands, like through a merger or buyout, your data might change hands too. But don't worry, we'll give you a heads up before any major changes go down.

Cool Ways We Handle Your Data

We take your personal data and transform it into something totally anonymous and untraceable. Then we use this anonymous data to:

And don't worry, we won't spill any secrets that could trace back to you.

Cool Tips for Cookie Control

Hey, savvy internet user! Want to take charge of your Cookies? Here's the deal:

Interest-Based Ads Unveiled

Ever noticed those ads that seem to know exactly what you've been eyeing online? That's no coincidence! Here's the scoop:

We sometimes serve up Interest-Based Ads, which are tailored to your interests and behaviors. How do we do it? Well, we might gather info from your usage patterns or preferences on our site, or even from other sites you visit. To make it happen, we or our partners might use Cookies or web beacons. These tiny trackers help us and advertisers serve up ads that are relevant to you, wherever you roam online. Cool, right?

Hey there, digital explorer! Ever feel like the ads following you around the web know a little too much about your online habits? Well, fear not! We're all about transparency and giving you the power to control your digital experience.

We play by the rules of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) and the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI). These industry groups have set up a cool self-regulatory program to help you understand and manage those personalized ads based on your online behavior. It's like having your own personal ad curator!

Now, if you want to take the reins and make some choices about the ads you see, including opting out of those behaviorally targeted ones, you're in luck! Just cruise on over to the DAA's or NAI's opt-out pages at or It's your digital playground, so why not customize it your way?

Data Security and Retention

Hey, we're all about keeping your data safe and sound. We've got a whole arsenal of security measures in place—physical, technical, organizational, you name it. But hey, we're all in this together, so here are a few tips to help you keep your data ninja-level secure:

First off, choose a strong password and guard it like a treasure chest. Keep your devices locked down tighter than Fort Knox and log out when you're done. And remember, while we're doing our best to safeguard your info, no method of data transmission or storage is foolproof.

As for how long we hang on to your data, well, it depends. If you've got an account with us, we'll keep your info on file as long as it's open. Sometimes we need to hold onto it a bit longer to meet legal obligations, settle disputes, or just dot our i's and cross our t's. And hey, if we ever need to keep some data around for research or analytics, rest assured it'll be stripped of anything that could identify you personally.

Personal Data of Children

Hey there! When it comes to the privacy of kids and teens under 18, we take extra care. Here's the lowdown:

If you're under 18, make sure you've got a parent or legal guardian on board before you sign up for our services. We'll collect and store personal info from you, just like we do for the grown-ups. But don't worry, we'll only use it to provide our awesome services and keep things running smoothly.

Parents and legal guardians, we've got your back too. We'll make sure you're in the loop about what info we're collecting from your kiddo and how we're using it. And if you ever want to take a peek at or update that info, just give us a shout—we're here to help!

So rest easy, everyone. We're committed to keeping your family's privacy top-notch every step of the way.

California Resident Rights

Hey there, California resident! Here's the scoop on your rights:

You've got the right to know what personal info we've collected about you over the last year. When you ask, we'll dish out the deets:

Just drop us a line at [email protected] if you've got any questions or want to exercise your rights. We're here to help!


Alright, check this out: You've got the power to ask us for the lowdown on what we've been doing with your personal data for the past year. When you drop us a line, here's what we'll hook you up with:

And hey, if we've been spilling the beans to any third parties or making a few bucks off your personal data in the past year, we'll spill the tea on that too—like, who we've been talking to and what kind of data they've been getting their hands on.


Alright, here's the deal: If you want us to kick your personal data to the curb, you've got the right to ask us to delete it. But hold up—there are a few exceptions to this rule. For instance, if we need to keep your data around to provide you with our awesome services or to finish up something you asked us to do, we might have to say no to your deletion request. But hey, we'll always give it a fair shake!

Exercising your rights.

To make things happen, you or someone you trust to represent you (yeah, your Authorized Agent) just need to drop us a line. Here's the deal:

  1. Tell us who you are (your first and last name, email address, maybe even your phone number or address if we need to double-check).
  2. Let us know what you're after, in enough detail so we can understand what you need and sort it out.

We'll call it a "Valid Request" if you hit these two points. Anything that doesn't hit the mark might not get a response from us. Simple as that. Oh, and you don't need to be signed up with an account to shoot us a Valid Request.

We'll hustle to get back to you within 45 days once we get your Valid Request. No charge unless you're hitting us with a ton of requests or they're way out there. If we think we need to charge, we'll give you the heads up before we go ahead.

You can slide us a Valid Request by hitting us up at [email protected] or viiota, 7 West 45th Street, Suite 301, New York NY 10036.

And if you've got someone rocking the Authorized Agent title, they can handle your business too. We might just need to see some paperwork to make sure they're legit.

Personal Data Sales Opt-Out and Opt-In

Viiota doesn't get any cash from third parties for your Personal Data, and we haven't in the past 12 months. As far as we know, we're not in the business of selling any Personal Data of kids under 18. No Punishment for Exercising Your Rights We're not about to treat you differently if you decide to flex your rights under this Privacy Policy, the CCPA, or any other laws. That means no denying you our stuff, slapping you with different prices, or giving you shoddy service just because you're standing up for your privacy. Sure, we might have different levels of Services with different price tags, but that's not because you're exercising your rights—it's just how we roll under the law.

Got questions about how we handle your data or your privacy rights? Shoot us an email at [email protected] or write us at 7 West 45th Street, New York NY 10036. We're here to help!